
Showing posts from March, 2021

Theme Presentation Reflections

Katerine Paz Racism (Group 3) This was the first presentation, it was also my groups presentation. Our theme was racism, this is a very sensitive and popular topic. We divided the presentation into different groups which were past, present, and future. We also had questions and videos to get the audience engaged in our topic. I believe that our group did a very good job explaining this topic and how it effects so many people in so many different levels. I also learned a lot of new things doing research and hearing my group talk about the topic. Overall my group did an excellent job with this presentation.  Education (Group 1) This was group's 1 presentation. Their topic was education. They did a great job explaining this topic. They talked about how educations has changed over the years, the many things that students face through education. One of the topics that stood out to me was how education is so expensive, even though we have a lot of help from the government like financial

Theme Presentation Reflections

Education today and in the future Group 1 made an amazing presentation about education. They discussed the reality of the many challenges that face students and the possible future of education. They researched the changes in the education system over the years and the current state of education in the United States. There are a number of current issues that prevent people from seeking an education. Higher education has gotten more expensive throughout the years and although there are options, most students work their way through college and may not qualify for financial aid. They may also have other factors demanding their attention and without financial aid, they may be held back from their pursuit of an education. Students face many issues in todays education system since it is very demanding and competitive. They face societal pressures to obtain an education while trying to manage their livelihood, lack of security, racism, bullying, and a lack of interest due to the pressures and

Presentation Reflections

  Group Three: Racism Group three prepared a great icebreaker presentation as they were the first to give their presentation. They demonstrated a deep knowledge of the topic as they discussed racism throughout world history. They discussed some of the injustices as well as movements that are aimed at ending racism. Group three was also able to make this discussion relatable to all groups of people and show that there is a lot of work that still needs to be done. Additionally, they were able to point out some ways humanity might be able to better combat racism in the future. Group Two: Healthcare and the Pandemic From Group two, much information about the pandemic had become the main source of their topic. They were able to effectively communicate how the Covid-19 pandemic affected everyone in one way or another. They tracked the progression of the pandemic in the beginning to current issue of the pandemic. They showed their audience the multitude of affects that the pandemic had on the

Theme Presentation Reflection

  Racism Group three had to research and give a presentation on racism. I believe they did a fantastic job in pointing out many significant events that had occurred throughout history. They demonstrated the origins of racism and present issues. Group three also talked about the different organizations and movements people have created over time. Such as Black Lives Matter, Civil Rights Movement, The Harlem Renaissance and much more.  Although Racism is such a broad topic to talk about, group three was prepared and knew exactly  what to inform us about. The Pandemic/Health Care  Group two presented and gave an amazing analyzes on the pandemic. The pandemic caused a lot of pain and suffering for many people. A large population of the world has been affected by our most recent pandemic, Covid-19. Most patients have even died from this illness. Not only has the pandemic affected our health but our economy and politics as well. Group two provided us with many facts and statistics of this. T


     Group 1: The Pandemic The first group did a phenomenal job in talking about the pandemic and it's effects on our society, it was expressed with statistics and details and let us know very much about what happened since it started world wide and since it got to our country, there was also details about how our country dealt with it and partially failed and how other places dealt with it in much greater success. I loved the way the group expressed it, and I learned a lot about what happens      Group 2: Education This group went very in-depth with the education system and spoke a lot about politics, and also expressed concerns on how broken our education system is with teaching some materials not necessary in most careers, it also exposes how people have allowed politics to control schooling.      Group 3: Racism Our group had a very large and difficult task ahead of us, racism. It's such a dangerous thing to talk about because you have to tread lightly and express yourself

Theme Presentation Reflection

 Theme Presentation  Racism             The first group to present was my group. Our theme to talk about was racism which is a very hard topic to get people to talk about , however I feel like my group did a great job getting peoples attention and also getting people to have conversations about what's happening not just now but something that has happened even in the passed . Even though its a hard topic to talk about for most people its also something people have to come together to fix because no matter how much we don't want it history dose repeat itself, if we don't stand up for the things that are affecting our world they are going to keep happening. Overall me and my group made a positive massage come across to everyone and made them understand why racism is not a good thing to do. Education          The second group to present talked about school and how the education in schools have changed over the years . for example they talked about how the schools were back yea

Theme Reflections

Group 1: Education now and in the future Group 1 presented about education in the U.S, and did a fantastic job, I learned a lot. There are multiple issues with the education system in the United States, they talked about security issues, racism and finances. The cost of college education has gone up by 15% in the past 10 years. Money is a big part in attending college, people can get accepted to their dream school but may not go because it's too expensive and have no way of paying it off and scholarships may not cover it all. Covid-19 has changed the future of education, some people are adapting to the online, but others want to return face to face. Once Covid-19 is over people may want to stay online. Group 2: Covid-19 and Health Care Group 2 presented about Covid-19, they presented a lot of amazing facts and statistics that helped me understand what the pandemic is really like. According to the presentation, the pandemic caused the largest global recession in history, causing wor

Theme Presentation Reflections

    Group 3: Racism     Group 3 made an amazing presentation about racism. They demonstrated a significant notion about the past of racism as well its present and where is headed. It was interesting to know the history of racism, how has become a major issue, how the community has been addressing it and the leaders who have risen in favor of the black community and that have inspired other people to do the same. Racism have been present for many years, horror and sad events have been committed because of racism, but today our communities are stronger and they continue fighting against this issue. Organizations and movements have been created throughout the years like the Civil Rights Movement, The Harlem Renaissance or also known as the ''New Negro Movement'' and Black Lives Matter, all these movements produced a big change in the direction of racism. Even though racism is a matter that sadly will continue, the important thing is how we fight against it whatever we find