Theme Presentation Reflections

Katerine Paz

Racism (Group 3)

21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge

This was the first presentation, it was also my groups presentation. Our theme was racism, this is a very sensitive and popular topic. We divided the presentation into different groups which were past, present, and future. We also had questions and videos to get the audience engaged in our topic. I believe that our group did a very good job explaining this topic and how it effects so many people in so many different levels. I also learned a lot of new things doing research and hearing my group talk about the topic. Overall my group did an excellent job with this presentation. 

Education (Group 1)

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This was group's 1 presentation. Their topic was education. They did a great job explaining this topic. They talked about how educations has changed over the years, the many things that students face through education. One of the topics that stood out to me was how education is so expensive, even though we have a lot of help from the government like financial aid and scholarships there are many students that don’t receive or do not qualify for these types of helps. They also end up with huge student depths when they Graduate. This could cause students not to want to study and persue a career. Group 1 did a very good job. 

Pandemic (Group 2)

Coronavirus pandemic could have caused 40 million deaths if left unchecked  | Imperial News | Imperial College London

This was group's 2 presentation. It was on the Pandemic. This topic is a very interesting topic, and this group did a very good job discussing this topic. They talked about how everything started to the current situation of the pandemic. They also discussed how this pandemic effected us in many way such as politic, economy, and health. Many people have lost their life’s and lost loved ones due to this tragic pandemic. Many have also lost their jobs, and aren’t able to pay for their house food and maintain their own family. Due to all this the government has released more than $3 trillion of dollars in relief. Which this is effecting our economy. 


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