Reflection on Chapter 3 9 and 10

                                                             Chapter 3 

As we learn about chapter 3, we learn about "Culture and Communication" were we learn about the way of life of others and what they considered right and wrong another thing we learn is Co-Cultures which "Communication is also a mechanism through which culture is modified." As we learn about Dominant Cultures in chapter 3 we see that in different continents this kind of cultures is observed. The group in chapter 3 are good presenters, I liked how good they read and thought the way they were going to present and the videos they used to explain the presentation better were great. 

                                                         Chapter 9 Communication in Groups 

In chapter 9 we learn about different ways to do communication in a group or a family, it is consider a group when there are 3 to 20 people. We also learn about families and, "the 5 different types of families." As we learn about the group of family we learn how communication in a group works based on our family members and we also learn about "The 4 patterns" which are the "communication patterns." As we learn about chapter 9 we get to learn about "Social Groups" which are groups where members appreciate each others company ands care about others, making them feel good about themselves, accepted and included. The way they presenters presented chapter 9, I have to say it was so thought well, they presented each slide well, they explained different types of communication and even give examples about their topic and lastly the videos they have chosen were amazing.

                                               Chapter 10 Group  Leadership and Problem Solving

In chapter 10 which it was the chapter were me and my group worked on, we learned about Leadership in Groups, how to handle meetings and problem solving. We learn about different kinds of leaders like the Formal Leaders, Informal Leader emergent Leaders, and Share leadership functions. In chapter 10 we learned about meeting Leaders and Guidelines so it can be a successful meeting. In this Guidelines the meeting Leaders must "Prepare and distribute an agenda" , Review and modify the agenda, and Reviewing the meeting outcomes and process. In my chapter I liked how we all agreed on which part we were going to work on and how we worked together to get it done.


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Reflection about chapter 3, 9 and 10