Reflection about chapter 3, 9 and 10

 Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication was an interesting chapter presented by Group 1, who did an amazing job. Intercultural Communication was about the definition of culture, all the different cultures that exists and how we can communicate with a person from a different culture. This chapter also teach us important aspects about communication, the seven dimensions in which cultures differ and strategies that we can use in order to communicate effectively. When we learn about a person from a different culture we expand our knowledge and our perspective to things and life. Furthermore, we learn that a person can be bicultural, many people in America culture may identify with one or more cultures. Today cultures are also formed by shared believes and values like race, ethnicity, sex and gender.  

Chapter 9: Communicating in groups teach us about the different types of groups we can form since social groups and support groups to service groups and family. Group 2 did a great presentation about this chapter. They explained the stages of how to create a group and how important it is to have a good and healthy relationship with each other. In every group always is going to be moments of disagreement, conflict, because not everybody is going to think the same as the other, they become defensive or simple they have poor communication with each other. The important thing when it comes to a conflict in a group is to know why it is happening and being able to resolve the differences in order to maintain a good relationship.    

Chapter 10: Group Leadership and Problem Solving presented by group 3 is about how a leader functions in a group.  Group 3 made an incredible presentation demonstrating their effective group communication and leaderships roles. In every group in order to succeed they must have a person who manages the team and keeps everybody focus on their goal, in other words the leader must motivate and inspire confidence in each individual of the team. Having a good leader not only makes the work better, but also makes problems easy to solve. Working in a place where everybody is doing their role and the leader is doing a great job as a leader, that makes the worker less stressed and more enthusiastic. 


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