
     Group 1: The Pandemic

The first group did a phenomenal job in talking about the pandemic and it's effects on our society, it was expressed with statistics and details and let us know very much about what happened since it started world wide and since it got to our country, there was also details about how our country dealt with it and partially failed and how other places dealt with it in much greater success. I loved the way the group expressed it, and I learned a lot about what happens

     Group 2: Education

This group went very in-depth with the education system and spoke a lot about politics, and also expressed concerns on how broken our education system is with teaching some materials not necessary in most careers, it also exposes how people have allowed politics to control schooling.

     Group 3: Racism

Our group had a very large and difficult task ahead of us, racism. It's such a dangerous thing to talk about because you have to tread lightly and express yourself in a respectful manner about such a large societal issue, my group did a phenomenal job with expressing the past and where it's roots started all the way to modern day while expressing the most courteous respect. Personally I learned very much about the subject and learned heartbreaking cases I almost wish I didn't know about because I wish the world was better


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