Theme Reflections

Group 1: Education now and in the future

Group 1 presented about education in the U.S, and did a fantastic job, I learned a lot. There are multiple issues with the education system in the United States, they talked about security issues, racism and finances. The cost of college education has gone up by 15% in the past 10 years. Money is a big part in attending college, people can get accepted to their dream school but may not go because it's too expensive and have no way of paying it off and scholarships may not cover it all. Covid-19 has changed the future of education, some people are adapting to the online, but others want to return face to face. Once Covid-19 is over people may want to stay online.

Group 2: Covid-19 and Health Care

Group 2 presented about Covid-19, they presented a lot of amazing facts and statistics that helped me understand what the pandemic is really like. According to the presentation, the pandemic caused the largest global recession in history, causing worldwide lockdown. Covid-19 started as a 2 week break, everyone was excited for it but it trickled down and started cancelling sports, people started losing jobs, missing rent payments, supermarkets were running out of supplies. A year later, we're all adjusted, a vaccine is being rolled out, and the government is doing everything they can to slow down the spread of this virus. 

Group 3: Racism 

Group 3 talked about racism, they demonstrated knowledge of the past and present issues of racism. The history of racism is very interesting. Racism has been prevalent for hundreds and thousands of years. Communities have been fighting to stop this for once and for all. Black Lives Matter movement Even though racism is a matter that may take a couple more decades to fix, education is the first step to fixing this issue.


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