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Group Reflections

                                                                                                                                          Katerine Paz Group 1 The first group presentation was on chapter 3,  Intercultural communication. This chapter was about different cultures and their communication and strategies that we could use to communicate with different cultures. Group 1 did a very good job on their presentation. They talked about religion, ethnicity, race, and gender. They were all explained well and they also made it very interesting adding pictures and videos. They did an amazing job even though they had very little time to complete it.  Group 2  This groups presentation was on chapter 9, Communication in groups. This chapter is about the types of groups that we could create through communication. They did a very good job explaining their chapter in an interesting way with reliable information. This topic goes a lot with the class since it’s about communication, it taught m

Reflection on Chapter 3 9 and 10

                                                             Chapter 3  As we learn about chapter 3, we learn about "Culture and Communication" were we learn about the way of life of others and what they considered right and wrong another thing we learn is Co-Cultures which "Communication is also a mechanism through which culture is modified." As we learn about Dominant Cultures in chapter 3 we see that in different continents this kind of cultures is observed. The group in chapter 3 are good presenters, I liked how good they read and thought the way they were going to present and the videos they used to explain the presentation better were great.                                                           Chapter 9 Communication in Groups  In chapter 9 we learn about different ways to do communication in a group or a family, it is consider a group when there are 3 to 20 people. We also learn about families and, "the 5 different types of families." As we lea

Group Reflection

  Group reflections In chapter 3, group one covers some very interesting topics and how our lives are shaped by certain factors. For instance, they talk about culture and communication. I found this information very useful because it made me realize where our behaviors really derive from. They made me realize that our culture can often determine our values, the way we look at situations and how we communicate with each other. Culture is often expressed through communication. Dominant cultures have a very important role as well. This is the way massive populations react towards each other. As an example of how the United states has been overruled by english culture. When comparing other cultures you start to notice the different languages and how people communicate differently. Mostly comes from their origins. Group one continues with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age and generation and how it impacts the way we communicate towards others. They als

Chapter Reflections

  Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication        From this presentation, Group 1 effectively highlighted the key points listed in the chapter. They first broke down the idea of culture at its core and shared the characteristics that define a culture. They then were able to discuss how each culture is unique in its own way and how many cultures can become intermingled with one another. When people do engage with other cultures, it allows them to understand their own culture better as well as others as they have a reference to spot the differences between the two cultures. In addition the presentation, I was genuinely impressed with how well they were able to present with little time to plan. Chapter 9: Communication in Groups      Group 2 started their presentation by clearly defining what a group is. They then discussed the multiple types of groups ranging from family to social to work groups. Further into the presentation, they highlighted why groups are important and how they can be e

Reflections chapter 3, 9 and 10

Group 1:  Chapter 3 was presented by the group 1 and they talked about culture and communication. They did very well when it came to talk about Religion and Ethnicity. They discussed other subjects as well as Race and gender. They demonstrated that having a good attitude is the way to ensure a fluid Communication and I really liked their presentation. Group 1 highlighted the key points very well. They first explained the characteristics that represents a culture. Then they were capable of discussing the unique points of each culture and the capacity of each culture to mix with other cultures at the same time. When comparing to other cultures with their cultures, it allows to find the similarities and the differences of each one and how they can improve. Finally we can say that they explained some points that other people probably don't understand and I was very impressed with their presentation. Group 2: Chapter 9 was presented by the group 2 and they talked about the importance

Group Reflections

Group 1 Group 1 was presenting about chapter 3 which was about Intercultural communication. Despite the fact that group 1 was the first group to present, they did an amazing job. Their chapter was about the verbal and nonverbal interactions between people from different backgrounds all across the world. The group gave very solid points and taught us about aspects of the different cultures. Very grateful for this presentation because, you never know when you'll have to work with people from different cultures, so this information will come in handy in the near future. Group 2 Group 2 was presenting chapter 9 which was on communication in groups. They explained the many different types of groups we can form, the stages we should follow to create a group and the importance of having good chemistry in a group, and if the group has an issue, it's good for the team to realize what caused it and find a solution to the issue. Group 2 did a great job on explaining all these points. Grou

Reflection about chapter 3, 9 and 10

 Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication was an interesting chapter presented by Group 1, who did an amazing job. Intercultural Communication was about the definition of culture, all the different cultures that exists and how we can communicate with a person from a different culture. This chapter also teach us important aspects about communication, the seven dimensions in which cultures differ and strategies that we can use in order to communicate effectively. When we learn about a person from a different culture we expand our knowledge and our perspective to things and life. Furthermore, we learn that a person can be bicultural, many people in America culture may identify with one or more cultures. Today cultures are also formed by shared believes and values like race, ethnicity, sex and gender.   Chapter 9: Communicating in groups teach us about the different types of groups we can form since social groups and support groups to service groups and family. Group 2 did a great presentati


The Importance of Communication Culture Chapter 3: Group 1 presented a thought out presentation about the highlights of culture and its communication. They shared the standards of what is considered right and wrong, and how in every culture, there must be its values. Ideal values are the ones that members meant to hold, while the real values are the ones that guide the actual behavior. They demonstrated by sharing information on cultures and visuals that give a better understanding of the concept. Examples of this were given by stating how people who are born within the same generation can develop co-cultures. It allows for them to share similar experiences, ideals, and more. Adopting an appropriate attitude is the way to start communication with an open mind.  Groups Chapter 9: Group 2 shared the importance of communicating and the different types of groups there are. Groups consist of several people who share a common purpose, and how it focuses on group communication, which is what

Presentation Reflection Chapter's 3,9,10

                                                                                                                          Deyri Alonso                                                                                                                         01/26/2021 Group 1 :   Chapter 3 is about Intercultural Communication group one did a every good job working on their presentation even though they one had a couple of days to get everything together to present their power point . they had every good information when it came to talk about Race, Ethnicity , Religion , and Sex and gender. those were all great topics to talk about and also very common topics that goes on on most peoples daily life that we don't take in to notice because it might not affect us. they should good information about the whole chapter three and I really enjoyed the presentation  they did . Group 2:  Chapter 9 was about Communicating in groups . This was a very interesting power point because I personally fe