Group Reflections

Group 1

Group 1 was presenting about chapter 3 which was about Intercultural communication. Despite the fact that group 1 was the first group to present, they did an amazing job. Their chapter was about the verbal and nonverbal interactions between people from different backgrounds all across the world. The group gave very solid points and taught us about aspects of the different cultures. Very grateful for this presentation because, you never know when you'll have to work with people from different cultures, so this information will come in handy in the near future.

Group 2
Group 2 was presenting chapter 9 which was on communication in groups. They explained the many different types of groups we can form, the stages we should follow to create a group and the importance of having good chemistry in a group, and if the group has an issue, it's good for the team to realize what caused it and find a solution to the issue. Group 2 did a great job on explaining all these points.
Group 3
We talked about group leadership and problem solving, we explained how important a leader is in a group, and different ways to communicate in all forms of media. Personally, after reviewing the recording, I think our group did great, this chapter specifically applies to this class because now that we're online and are in groups we can learn just as well as if we were in person thanks to how we communicate online.

Sebastian Muci


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