Group Reflections

                                                                                                                                          Katerine Paz

Group 1

The first group presentation was on chapter 3, Intercultural communication. This chapter was about different cultures and their communication and strategies that we could use to communicate with different cultures. Group 1 did a very good job on their presentation. They talked about religion, ethnicity, race, and gender. They were all explained well and they also made it very interesting adding pictures and videos. They did an amazing job even though they had very little time to complete it. 

Group 2 

This groups presentation was on chapter 9, Communication in groups. This chapter is about the types of groups that we could create through communication. They did a very good job explaining their chapter in an interesting way with reliable information. This topic goes a lot with the class since it’s about communication, it taught me a few new things that I didn’t know. The presentation kept me interested the whole time, over all they did a great job. 

Group 3

Group 3 presentation was on chapter 10, Group leadership and problem solving. This chapter was about leadership and the different jobs that different types of leaders have. This was the group I was in, I honestly believe that we did a very good job. We all communicate and agreed on who was going to do what and all of us got to do our parts and present it, and that was pretty much what the chapter was about. This hopefully taught each one of us a lot about leadership and that being a good leader is very important because it will affect the outcome of the group.


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