Group Reflection


Group reflections

In chapter 3, group one covers some very interesting topics and how our lives are shaped by certain factors. For instance, they talk about culture and communication. I found this information very useful because it made me realize where our behaviors really derive from. They made me realize that our culture can often determine our values, the way we look at situations and how we communicate with each other. Culture is often expressed through communication. Dominant cultures have a very important role as well. This is the way massive populations react towards each other. As an example of how the United states has been overruled by english culture. When comparing other cultures you start to notice the different languages and how people communicate differently. Mostly comes from their origins. Group one continues with race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age and generation and how it impacts the way we communicate towards others. They also showed us some very impactful videos that went along with the message well. And finally to top it off, they demonstrated developed culture-centered skills which can train the human brain to communicate more effectively.

In chapter 9, group two did an excellent job of communicating in groups. They start off with the nature and types of groups. This leads to the origins of groups, such as families, social groups, support groups, interest groups, service groups, and etc. Each individual group has their specific significance. For example, Families generate a sense of home, group identity, history and future. For me, I consider family to be the most important set of groups. Not only are they blood related but also people that will always remain in your life for the greater good. Family is what shapes many people. Like who they will become, or what will influence them to choose the best career path. Their hobbies and passions are developed within family culture. Social groups can be very influential to many people. Social groups fulfill our needs as humans to feel accepted and feel included. They also care about each other's well being and enjoy each other's company. Support groups are individuals who get together to provide mutual encouragement. This allows humans to express their conflicts and still be able to receive help with no judgement. Then they discuss interest groups, and how they are able to share a common interest, ideology or passion. This can allow people to come together and share common goals and even be a part of a corporation in the making. This can also allow people to push each other to reach certain goals. Service groups come together to perform charitable work or raise money to assist organizations and or charities. Service groups can also be affiliated with religious beliefs, which bond people in a more spiritual connection.

In chapter 10, group three discusses group leadership and problem solving. Leadership is a very important role in keeping the group in order. Leadership requires time and effort. This can be the fundamental root to anything in particular. Especially working in groups. There are many roles that go a lot with it, such as maintenance leadership roles, procedural leadership roles, shared leadership responsibilities and guidelines meeting leaders and participants. Maintenance leadership roles are the set of behaviors that help the group develop and maintain cohesion, commitment, and positive working relationships. Procedural leadership roles provide logistical support and record the group’s accomplishments and decisions. Shared leadership responsibilities It is a process where you build relationships that everyone feels involved in. Guidelines meeting leaders and participants must work together to make the best out of the outcome.


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