
Group 1 made a good presentation. They talked about education today and in the future. They discussed the actual state of education in the United States. Over the past of the years education has changed because higher education is expensive and some students don't qualify for financial aid. They have to focus on other things like working on their jobs to pay for college and they struggle about their future. Students face a lot of problems like societal pressures, insecurity, loss of motivation and others. Because of the pandemic, students changed their work method and they are learning from online classes.

Education has made a really Big change because student were drastically forced to use technology because of the pandemic. Group 1 did an amazing job presenting the actual problems of the education system, and how it has adapted to these hard times. Overall this Group did an incredible job presenting the education system, from the beginning to the end and it was one of my favorite topics.

The Pandemic

Group 2 made a nice presentation about the Pandemic and Health care . They discussed the progression of Covid-19 and the did well talking about this topic. They also spoke of the impact that the pandemic caused like the dead of millions of people and the mental health problems that people face due to the lock-dawn. A lot of people in the United States lost their jobs and they cant pay their bills. That's why the U.S government offered financial aid with almost 3 Trillion dollars.

This was something that came suddenly and we wasn't prepared, it first started from China and traveled to the whole world. No one was ready for this but we finally find ways to figure this out.. When we started to see that this virus was affecting people we begin with the preparation and we stared to use face mask and hand sanitizer to protect us and protect other people from the virus. This group did a good explanation about how to stay safe when we are out of home and how to communicate with other people while the pandemic is in motion. Finally we have to say that this pandemic affected too many people and Group 2 did a very good job explaining today's situation.


Group 3 researched about racism in the past, today and in the future. They talked about racism and the movements that were made against this issue. They covered the movements such as Civil Rights Movement, Black Lives Matter and The Harlem Renaissance. They covered today's issues in other countries such as Mexico, Canada, and South Africa. They also spoke about the history of racism and they showed a Horrible events that occurred during World War 2. This topic is a really hard topic to talk about because some people have different definitions about racism. However we understand that is a hard topic to talk about, but we have to find a way to fix this problem because its globally and if we don't fix this issue, it is going to keep happening again and again. Finally Group 3 did a pretty nice job because they were talking about solutions to end with racism as well.


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